In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

To My Friends Who Don't Agree/Approve (My Heart #1)

(written September 12,2009)

I recently made a decision that turned my and someone else's world upside down. Apparently, that someone else was talking to some of my friends from school, none from church mind you, and said they think my reasoning was stupid.

I don't care.

That reason is solid, and is not my only reason, but the main one. When something is not God's will for your life, then you need to run. Run away from that something, so you don't get caught up in it and miss whatever God does have for you. I don't know what God's plan is for my life - none of us know what His plan is for our life, and we need to accept that, and trust what He is doing in our lives at the time. He has an awesome plan for each our lives, and if we give our lives to Him, He will show us, and bless us. Someone very special to me once told me that the consequences for disobedience (to God) will always be far worse than those for obedience (to the world). I stand by that statement.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. Provers 3:5-6

I'm trusting in God, not in myself, because by myself I am horribly weak, and lost. The decision both was and was not my decision, but, nontheless, I made a decision. I stand by that decision, and all those who stand beside me, thank you. For all those who don't - thats your business.

This note was in no way meant to be snobbish. I'm just letting everyone know where I stand.

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