In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fall Retreat Recap & House Update

Another whirlwind weekend came to a close and left us exhausted. In fact, I was so exhausted that I slept nine hours, ate a late brunch, and then slept for another three, getting up a little after one only because of a phone call. Yes, exhausting to say the least.

Well, we left Friday and did the usual Friday night routine at camp: checkin, game room, staff meeting, chapel, root beer floats, bed. Saturday we got up, had breakfast, went to chapel, had lunch, had some free time, and then went to Ferris State University to use their recreation center. Around 8pm we went back to camp, had chapel, had some free time, and dropped into bed around 2:30am. Sunday morning came early and we packed, had breakfast, went to chapel, and then headed home.

Some highlights of the weekend were climbing an ice wall - complete with ice picks and crampons (those spikey things on your boots), volleyball, and a dodgeball tournament. The speaker was fantastic. His name is Trevor Heyde, and he's also from Michigan. He looked unlike any speaker I've ever seen, and came sporting a stocking hat, dark clothes, and skinny-ish jeans. He is a beatboxer, and a skateboarder. And he has an extreme passion for teenagers. He used fun and memorable analogies, and let me tell you, those high schoolers listened when he spoke. He may have used words like; "bro," "sis," "whaaa?!," "dude," and other slang/skateboarding language, but he knew how to relate to these students and that is more important than being grammatically correct. He was also very real with the students; he didn't sugar coat things, and he understood that they are well on their way to being adults. Here's a few short notes from his messages:
Message #1
1. We are all created to love (Genesis 2, Matthew 22:37)
2. God loves you (John 3:16 .."but whoever believes in Him.." = "whoever makes Him the center of their universe"
    **What do you make the center of your universe?**
3. Believe.
Message #2 - Romans 14:13-23 - "Cut The Bull Crap"
(First he told a story about cow tipping and ending up covered in cow poop after tripping and running through it after the saw a bull face to face)
1. When it comes to sin, the question isn't "is this sin," but, "is this going to lead me to be more like God"
2. It's time to stomp that crap in your life that may be causing you or someone else to stumble
3. Mark 9:42-47
Message #3 - "Ducks Fly Together"
(After using analogy of ducks flying in a V formation, and one seeing other ducks in a pond, joining them in a pond, and getting shot)
-Matthew 1:23
1. It is not good to be alone (Genesis 2:18, Proverbs 27:17, Ephesians 4:3)
2. Fly in unity (Ephesians 4:11-16)
3. God is with us (Matthew 1:23)

It wasn't clear sailing for the whole weekend though, we had some hiccups. Due to behavior and other factors we actually had to send a student home. None of us were happy about having to do it, and it was not an easy decision. Please pray for the situation, it's not yet  fully resolved, but we are working on it.

So that's that. After a crazy weekend I was crazy sore and crazy tired, but the students are great and it was a good weekend. Now we have about a month off before the Tween Retreat :) haha.. that will be fun too.

A house update is that appliances are on the way to our house as we speak! Our dishwasher, stove/oven, and fridge are being dropped off, and some of the finishing electical touches are getting done today. On top of that, last night I put a decent amount of things in our kitchen cupboards, and after my class was cancelled today, I took a two hour block to put a very large tote full of food in the cupboards also. Things are coming along quite well! Can't wait to be living there!

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