In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Some Updates

Well, my coffee is starting to kick in, and I'm getting jittery =] Aaand its only half gone.. haha. I guess thats what happens when you mix both coffee and cappuccino, and have drank most of it by 9am.

I figure its time to give you an update on life and not just the things I do or friend stuff. Soo, after getting married June 4th, and a honeymoon, and all the other events in June, we have both been working a ton. Thank goodness that at one job I just sit and occupy myself, because that gives me some downtime, and some time to post in here. Anyway, even though we've been married for over a month, we haven't been able to do much in the realm of getting all my info switched around. Nor have we been able to switch around insurance, vehicle stuff, etc. And to top it all off, the house we made an offer on (that we are still waiting to hear about) in January got turned over to a different agency, so it might be a dud. I had also planned on going back to school, but we would need financial aid, and can't do all that until my information gets switched around. However, the busines hours of the agencies I would need to visit in order to complete those tasks are only open during a small time frame, in the middle of the shifts when I am always working. Needless to say, it has been quite interesting trying to figure out how we're going to figure all this out (no pun intended..). But through it all both of us have been strangely calm and taken everything in stride. I think that is probably because we can't do much about it, but we're not stressing about it either, because we both know that stressing won't get anything done. So I guess for now we're just focusing on what we can do, work, and the various things we're involved in.

Life as newlyweds has had its adjustments also. Not bad ones, but just adjustments. I can tell you though, that waking up next to someone who opens their eyes and mutters '"mooorning babe" with a sleepy smile, is the best. As Caleb has been getting used to finding long strands of my hair everywhere throughout the house (hey, I can't help that I shed..), I have been getting used to sharing the bathroom in the morning so both of us have enough time to get ready and out the door on time. I was already used to work boots and dirt-caked jeans, so those don't phase me much, and Caleb was already used to some of the funny idiosyncrocies of mine that have only one explanation of "..just because!.." =] The house we're living in is right in town, so thats super convenient. I'm not used to living in town though, and that has been a major adjustment for me. But the price is right, so I definitely can't complain. And, I will admit, that it is awfully nice to be able to walk the coffee shop or do some downtown shopping, or even walk to the beach, and it only take about fifteen minutes. I have also used a significantly less amount of gas in the past month!

The past few months have also been difficult at times, with us facing issues of gossip, questionable attitudes, some bitterness, and a lack of motivation for certain things. However, we've been mulling over it lately, and when we talked about it on Sunday, we decided to do whatever is necessary to change those things. I'm excited to see the changes that are a result of this decision, and can already see some progress.

Last weekend was a blur, as we ventured back into my hometown again. We had planned to leave as early as possible Friday morning, but didn't end up leaving until almost 4pm. That legitimately frustrated me, but we decided to make the best of it and just got going. After meeting some friends half way for dinner, we made our way into Saginaw to do some quick shopping, and then headed for Caro. We stopped at Wal-Mart (go figure..), got settled into the house, and were in bed by midnight. The next morning we got up and got ready, and went to the open house/reception my church threw for us. After that, we went out to the Brentwood (my familys' favorite restaurant in town), visited with my grandparents, and made a stop at DQ before heading back and getting settled for the night. The next morning we went to church, and man, was it ever good to be back in my home church for a Sunday! I was so glad to be there, but there were so many mixed emotions. It was great to visit, but I miss it so much that it brought tears to my eyes knowing that it was only for a few hours. Well, we visited after the service, and even found out that a lady whom I had known since I was eight was my mother-in-law's roommate in college! We also got to see a friend I had went to youth group with and her husband. They married a few years ago and have been living in DC ever since. God recently laid it on their hearts that they were too comfortable, and after much prayer, they are relocating for a year to an island of Micronesia! How cool is that!? He will be teaching, and she doesn't know yet what she will be doing, but I know they will be fantastic at just pouring love into the people they will be ministering to! I always think its awesome when people decide to let God do what He wants with them while being excited to see how He uses them, and that is how this couple is. Please pray for them on their journey.. they leave in two days (Thursday, July 14)!

After visiting at church, we grabbed some lunch and changed, and met my parents and sister at the house I grew up in. It is literally falling apart; the ceiling is falling in, it is infested with mold, leaks in almost every place imaginable, and you can see outside. My dad and husband knew I wanted my bedframe, so they both tackled the job of getting it out of my old bedroom. Its this big, old, wooden bedframe with drawers on the bottom, and I have always just absolutely loved it. Its also very heavy and awkward to do anything with. But, bless their hearts, they knew I wanted it for my house, so they set to work and pulled it out of the house with a lot of man-muscle and brute force. I was so happy! It was also bittersweet seeing the house in the shape it is in. That was home for me for eighteen years, and many more than that for my mom, as she also grew up in that house. Seeing it fall apart while we're watching is heartwrenching, so many memories were made in that house. It was very hard to leave, knowing that there may not be much of a house left the next time we come back. It also made me think and wonder if my children will ever share a similar experience, and what kind of memories they will have <3

I guess thats all I have to share for now, maybe I'll post again later this afternoon. For now, here's a song thats been on my heart for a while. I just can't pinpoint an explanation, but I love the song and hope you will too. Its not the official video from Hillsong United, its one with lyrics*

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