In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hey all. I wish I had a lighthearted Tuesday post like usual, but I actually have a very important and pressing request to bring you: Please pray for my cousin Carson. He was in a very serious car accident last Tuesday night. He and a friend were crossing the highway via a backroad when they were broadsided on Carsons side. The suburban they were in had to be pulled apart by the jaws of life in order to get Carson out, and he was airlifted immediately to the pediatric unit at Hurley Medical Center. We went to see him Friday and Saturday, and it didn't look good. He was put in a medically induced acoma and is breathing with the help of a respirator, because he has some fluid in his lungs. He has almost thirty tubes connecting his body to various machines, and the doctors say he will be there for months. He had a cat scan on Sunday, but we don't know the results yet. Luckily, his skull wasn't fractured, but his brain will most likely be damaged, has bled, and is terribly swollen. At one point they were contemplating surgery to remove part of his skull to release some of the pressure on his brain. This was postponed, but that pressure is like a rollercoaster; it will go from as low as 3 (which is very good) to as high as 30 (which is bad) in seconds. That is scary, especially for his parents. Doctors are giving updates based on how he is doing that minute, and aren't sure about much else right now. Given him being stable, they were going to try to start weaning him off the sedatives today, but I haven't heard if they are moving forward with that yet. He is only fifteen, so that and the fact that he is a very active and fit young guy are two things that are very much to his benefit. He is also a fighter who doesn't give up, so we're thankful for that.

Please please pray for healing amd recovery, wisdom for the doctors, and strength for the family.  I'll update as I know more. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I was actually just informed that he lifted his head and arm yesterday and was coughing, then today he opened his eyes for a few seconds! PTL!
