In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So Thoughtful!

I just have to make a post about my wonderful husband, and how he made my day yet again! 

This past week has been miserable. Monday through today (Friday) I have closed at work every night, and every night we've been super busy. I was being trained to close, but its hard to be trained when you can't do everything because theres so many people that someone else has to do half of your stuff. So, all week I was complaining about that, plus, its has been really hot and I don't like the heat. Sooo, again, I was complaining about that. We'd get home and my first words were "oh my gosh.. its so hot in here!". Usually we just have two fans going and we're ok, but the past few days that have been really hot were hard on me,  because I don't do well in the heat, especially sleeping in it. Well.. my wonderful husband showed up at my work tonight just as we were closing and waited in the parking lot for me. When I came out he told me he had a surprise for me, but it was at home. We drove home, and I glanced all around, but didn't see anything. He looked at me and grinned and asked if I was curious where he'd hid my surprise yet. Of course I was, and there was only one room where I hadn't looked.. our bedroom. So, when he opened our door, what do I see?! A window air conditioner!! I was so excited! It is now 67 degrees in our room, and I will be able to sleep without any fans blowing on my face and making my hair tickle my neck, or being too hot to sleep! =] I'm pretty excited, if you couldn't tell. 

I had wanted a mini air conditioner, or something at least, to take a little bit of the heat out of the house. It didn't have to be cold, just comfortable, but I didn't push for anything, because I know its hard to find a decent priced air conditioner (and by decent priced I mean a Caleb & Shawna price.. cheap!). Well, Caleb found one, put it in, and had it all set for when I got home! Such a thoughtful man, my hubby is! =] 

Thanks Caleb! I love you!

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