In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Do Everything"

I have a little story that might bring something into perspective for you today.

After I posted yesterday, my day got a lot harder. I was at one job from 8am-5pm, then went straight to the next until a little after 10pm. I knew it would be tough and I would be tired, but I didn't think much of it at first. My attitude about it started to change though at about noon. I had put this cream on my face the night before, and my face was red, puffy, and itchy when I woke up. So I washed it with a washcloth (or so I thought) and got ready for work just like I do every day. Well about noon it started to drive me crazy. I could feel it getting more puffy, it was itching like crazy, and I was starting to get frustrated. Turns out I had just rubbed it in instead of washing it off. I keep Benadryl cream in my purse and considered using it, but wasn't sure if I could use it on my face, so, Mom to the rescue. I called, and she said not to, and that she was in town and would grab me some Benadryl tablets. My lunch was coming up, so I clocked out and headed into town to meet her. She had asked the pharmacist, and learned that the Benadryl cream is topical so I shouldn't use it on my face, so I got the tablets from her and went back to work. The medicine didn't kick in real fast, and when it did, I was still super itchy. Sooo at 5pm I clocked out again and headed for job #2.

I was frustrated with being puffy and itchy, and tired, and I was starting to get cranky. I just wanted to go to bed at that point. But I went to work without complaining (how I did that, I'm not sure, but I was pretty impressed if I may say so) and kept going. Customers were coming in in intervals that let me get absolutely nothing done, but with enough time in between to be able to walk out from behind the counter and get just past the door when someone would pull in and I'd have to go back behind the counter. That in itself was frustrating. Then the lady who was with me for the night was back in the coolers so if I had a question I had to figure it out. So, needless to say I didn't get to start cleaning until later, and I was beyond frustrated by then. Meanwhile, the whole shift I kept wondering why I had said I could come in, and then I'd remember because they'd needed me that night. Then, I'd start wondering why I was there, or what I was supposed to be doing, why I was so cranky, why I didn't feel good, etc. I just complained in my head. I got a few funny looks from some of the regulars who know I'm usually all smiles and bubbly, but I brushed them off thinking, 'yeah.. its not my day.. I just hope they don't ask'. Luckily none of them did, but that didn't help my attitude any. As my mom calls it, I was in 'poor woe is me' mode. Overall, it was just an off night for me.

So I got home in a mood, and was pleasantly surprised to find a rose hooked to the door handle, more in a vase on the table, and pineapple ham in the crock pot. Caleb knows me well =] I was soooo happy and felt relieved, and when he arrived a few minutes later he was showered with hugs and kisses for making my day. Well, I did get some sleep, but I didn't want to wake up and get going this morning, buuut I did. On my way to work I had SmileFM turned up on the radio as I took the back roads that were sun-shiney and cheerful. I figured that would put me in a good mood, and counteract knowing I had another day ahead of me almost the same as yesterday. I was singing along to the radio when one of my favorite new songs came on and I just sat there as it hit me. My questions from last night "Why was I there..? What was I supposed to be doing..?" etc. were suddenly answered with this song:

Perspective changed? Definitely.

Hope yours is too.

Have a good day. 

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