In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Friday, February 17, 2012

Has Waiting Weakened Your Faith?

This morning I watched the sun dance over the horizon to light my world as I drove to work. It was a burning orange ball sitting off to the right of the road that seemed to be blinding me. Then as I turned down the road to work, I saw how it had splashed the sky in front of me in it's pinks, yellows, and oranges, it's light bounced off bare tree branches onto the snow, and even shone on the silver surface of my car, giving it different colors. 'How beautiful!' I thought, thoroughly enjoying the sight. Thinking back, it now reminds me of the quote I shared with you on Valentine's Day; how sights like the one I experienced this morning are designed to make us fall in love with God. <- Ponder that a while.

Searching through different websites, I came across part of an article in a blog I follow. I clicked to view the whole article and shook my head in disblief. The link below is the whole article written by Paul Tripp on 5 Signs Waiting Has Weakened Your Faith. I've been thinking about the obstacles I've been facing lately regarding one specific ministry I'm involved in. I've been wondering if I'd grown weaker in my faith, or gone through any of the five things Paul Tripp describes in this article. Looking back I realize I had. This article is just what I needed to read today. It's definitely a refreshing reminder that even though we wait for Him, our God is always on time according to HIS PLANS. I strongly encourage you to read the article, but here are a few quotes that smacked me right in the nose =)

"Remember, waiting isn't just about what you're hoping for at the end of the wait, but also about what you'll become as you wait"
"In reality, waiting points us to God's goodness. He's wise and loving. His timing is always right, and his focus isn't so much on what you'll experience and enjoy, but on what you'll become. He's committed to using every tool at his disposal to rescue you from you, to shape you into the likeness of his Son, and to hone you for the work to which he's called you. Waiting is one of his primary shaping tools"
Here's the link; take a read:

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