In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spiders, Adventures, and Ministry

So, I'm sitting here eating soggy Ramen noodles and reading everyone else's new blog posts. I'm not sure how I managed to make my noodles soggy, but I will say that I didn't finish them because of that. Unappetizing. I bet you're hungry now ;) Ha, anyway, so today has been interesting. Why? Well, my husband woke me up with a phone call asking what a brown recluse spider looks like, I got to talk to my dad to wish him a happy birthday, I worked in the church office for a bit, and I got to see a friend who just got back from a crazy around-the-world adventure. Ready for explanations..? Hope so.

That phone call from my husband.. well, for one, I was asleep, and when my phone started blaring it scared me enough that I about jumped out of bed. He asked what the recluses look like, and my typical response to his question was to ask why. He then told me that him and his boss found a spider at the shop, captured it, and left if locked in the shop... in a Gatorade bottle. Ha. So, I hopped online to look up brown recluses. (I don't mind spiders, as long as they're not on me, so thats why he called to ask. I'm also an advocate that if a spider isn't hurting you, leave it alone. They are great bug patrol, as they eat many bugs that we don't want around.) What I found was this: in Michigan, we aren't likely to encounter a brown recluse because they are mainly found in desert areas, and much further south in the U.S. Five sure characteristics of a brown recluse are: six eyes (instead of eight like most other spiders) in pairs of two (that means two rows with four columns), no spines on their LONG legs (hair - yes - but no spines), uniformly colored legs, a body no more than 3/8" in length, and a solid colored abdomen. If you find a spider that you think is a brown recluse, check these five characteristics, because it is most likely not a recluse, and they are hard to identify due to the fact that there are many different types. Also, on many recluses, they have violin shaped markings. So, at the end of this explanation, we come to the conclusion that the spider they found was not a recluse, because it had red on its legs =] Mystery solved, but here's the link to a great website with good information about spiders if you ever have any questions:

Wellll, as I said earlier, its my Dad's birthday! =] I won't tell you how old he is, but I will tell you that he is an amazing man. So amazing, that I held true to the saying about how the man a girl marries has big shoes to fill because he has to take up the role of taking care of her. Not many girls can say that these days, and I am proud to be one of the girls that can say that! Happy Birthday Dad, I love you! <3

Today I got to see a good friend of mine, and an amazing woman. She has an awesome testimony and is chasing after God with everything she is. She and a friend from college recently went on an adventure across the country chasing God. They wanted to serve people, love people, get closer to God, and experience His will in taking care of them like never before. I was only able to listen to her stories and talk to her for about an hour, but in that one hour she told amazing stories about God's grace, provision, and ability. She is on fire like never before - and that is so cool to see. They traveled for just over a month, saw nineteen states, and were able to take part in some really cool experiences. She had the opportunity to witness to someone on the streets in San Francisco for multiple hours, and TOOK IT! There were many sharing opportunities seized, and much growth as a result of that. Praise God for these experiences!  They took many pictures and some videos, and are working on making a movie from them as soon as possible. Please pray for these two women as they just returned from their trip, and will be adjusting to a normal life yet again. Also, pray that their experiences from their trip will not stop impacting them even though their trip is over.

It's Wednesday! That means its AWANA night! In about two hours I will be helping get stuff ready for check in, and then be listening to Bible verses, stories, singing the Sparks song, and playing some crazy games with K-2nd graders =] and I will love every second of it! I thoroughly enjoy helping in our Wednesday nights ministries. Seeing the lives of children impacted is one of the greatest and most rewarding things. Please pray for these students! Our unit is fruit of the Spirit right now, and they seem to be liking it - I just hope they're learning also. Two hours.. and counting down.. ;)

Anyway, I guess its time to toss the rest of my soggy noodles..  Have a good night!

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