In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A pure heart
A pure mind
A pure spirit
A pure love
A pure life

Those are the things I desire to have

Here are some of the words or descriptions Webster gave me when I asked what the word pure meant:
"Free of extraneous elements of any kind, unmixed, free from discordant qualities, not diluted, faultless, clean, free from defilement, free from that which harms, genuine, real, perfect"

So, on my blog's main page, in writing 'In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate', I am asking God to strip away anything from my heart that would cause me to not be more like Him, because I don't want to return to doing the sinful things I used to do, the sinful things I hate. Those words are actually lyrics from a Tenth Avenue North song called Satisfy. It is a beautiful song, and talks about longing to be satisfied by God before the day starts, when it ends, and begs God to help us see that He is really all we need.

A pure heart is a heart that is clean from the immoral and sinful things that this life has to offer, one that focuses on God rather than meaninless things.
A pure mind is a mind that does not think the same way as the world thinks. It's thoughts are clean, not negative or mean.
A pure spirit is a spirit that is free and lighthearted, because God has created a beautiful freedom for us to enjoy. It is kind and gentle, like Christ.
A pure love is a love that is unconditional. It continues even if it is not reciprocated. It keeps no records of wrong, and never fails.

A pure life encapsulates all of these.

Do you want those characteristics? I know I do, and as Christians we ought to. Many people often think of being pure in terms of sexual purity, but not purity of your whole life. However, purity in each of the areas of your life stem off each other. If your heart isn't pure, it will cause thoughts you shouldn't be thinking, which can cause you to have a wrong spirit, which can make you love people or things incorrectly.. and effect your whole life in an impure way.

But how do we become pure? We strive to love God with our whole being. In doing this, we grow closer to Him, and become more aware of our sin as Christ makes those areas of our lives evident that we need to change.As we continue to grow, we strive more and more to become like Christ, and desire to sin less.

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