In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Self Worth of Today's Girl

My original intent for tonight was to post about a Tenth Avenue North concert and our small group Bible study, but I saw this quote on Facebook and had to give my own two cents:
Girls, why is it okay to call ourselves fat, ugly, and dumb, but if we admit to being smart, funny, or pretty we're conceited? Stop selling yourselves short. Being a "dumb slut" isn't endearing, or cute. What's cute is a girl who knows her worth. Can we stop ripping ourselves down for the sake of seeming humble? There's a difference between being humble and hating yourself.
 How well do you think this sums up many girls/young ladies/women today? I think it sums up their thoughts so well that many wouldn't admit to it. The thing is, that its true. An acquaintance from high school posted this. She grew up a PK, is going to a secular college, and is a fantastic young woman. I feel like her saying this and it being spread around could give so many girls the guts to start believing in themselves instead of cutting themselves down.

Thinking that girls today don't think these things about themselves and what this girl posted is out of line? You're wrong. Some girls know their worth, others believe what society has engrained into them. The girls that believe what society has engrained into them believe what the above quote is saying. In todays world, I'll be the first young adult to tell you that girls demean themselves in order to be seen as humble, but if we admit the good things about ourselves we are accused of being conceited. Thats how it is. Crazy? Ridiculous? Absolutely. Girls are taught to have hardly any self worth, and yet people wonder why eating disorders, rates of suicide, mental conditions, etc., are running at a high.

How can we help? Encourage girls around us. Let them know that it is o.k. to acknowledge their strong points and low points, but dwelling on either could pose a problem. We are each created so beautifully and uniquely that we shouldn't have anything bad to say against another. We are all different. That means we will all look different, think different, and have different qualities; good or bad. That's who we are; who God created us to be. Regardless if you believe in God or not, we are all worth more than we acknowledge, and that is a problem. Will you help me start a trend of treating others with worth to help turn some of these negative thoughts around?

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