I've been at this job at the college for two years now, and this is my last week. It has been a great experience. I've gotten to know so many great people here, and have had the opportunity to learn what working in an office includes. I have one more shift after today and I'll be done :( How sad is that?! As sad as it may be, it also marks the turning of a page in my life.. to a new chapter. I've been able to keep up with this blog because of this job as I don't always have enough to do to keep me busy while I wait for the phone to ring :) So I guess I'll see where it goes from here. I'll still be working at the church yet for a while, but I don't know where I'll be working after that, nor how much time I'll have to write in here. Enough, I hope, because I've enjoyed keeping this blog up.
Another update is that the man who came to candidate for the youth pastor position was found to not be the right fit for our church. We were bummed. His character and chemistry with everyone were great, but his teaching just didn't fit what our students needed. Like I said, we were all super bummed. He is a great man, they are a great family, but I guess God has different plans for both his family and our church family. So, we are back to square one of looking for a YP. Please keep praying!
While we're on the subject of youth group, this last Sunday went great. We had a guest speaker who led worship and spoke about our identity in Christ and how only He can make us whole. We also played a game called 'Tribal Wars.' It's a lot like capture the flag, except someone has to be in posession of the flag the whole time. We used cloth strips to hang out the students' side pockets (instead of them tagging each other), and used face paint. In my opinion, face paint just makes things more fun :) haha. It was a great night, and we had thirty eight students! We're hosting about ten to fifteen more students per night than we were about two months ago. It's so cool to see some of these new students come in. Some of the students who have been coming lately have never been to church before, and we're so glad to have them here!
Putting on our game face for Tribal Wars
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