In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's a Monday.. err.. Tuesday

Well, as I sit here in the office, I face the reality that our weekend has come to a close. What a weekend, though.. we definitely managed to stay busy. My best friend from high school and her boyfriend came to visit and we were all excited.

Friday started out with me at work, and ended with a late night drive out to the state park and a movie. Saturday we took our friends to a taxidermy shop and to the state park so they could see it in the daylight. Sunday was church and we didn't really do a whole lot. Monday we went out to my parents' house, drove out to a peninsula southwest of town, explored some more, and then retreated back to the house. I was sad to leave for work this morning knowing they'd be gone when I got home, but it was a great weekend. Hopefully they can come up again this summer (when there's a lot more to do in this town!)

So now as I face the reality that its Tuesday (even though it feels like a Monday), my mind is once again set on school and work, and of course, the weekend! Haha.. yes, we have plans yet again for this weekend; a ministry conference! Last year it was awesome, and I can't wait to see how it will go this year.We're not quite sure what we're doing about staying overnight yet, but we have a few options. We'll figure it out :)

On that note, I'm off for a while. I might stop back later, if not, I'll probably be back Friday.

Have a good week! :)


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