In me, oh Lord, can You create: a pure heart, cause I'm afraid: that I just might run back to the things I hate

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Scenario: I'm sitting at church working the homeless shelter, wide awake while my husband is sleeping on the couch, and watching an episode of Walker. I'm so tired, but I can't fall asleep. Besides, someone has to be awake. So I guess I'll fill you in on what happened since I posted last.

Wednesday we picked my sister up from school and headed to my sister and I's hometown. It was great to be home and see everyone again, it's been a while since I'd been there. Thursday dawned with the usual festivities; people stirring around the house, getting up and around, EARLY. Because we were in a different house we woke up early, in part due to the fact that our air mattress had deflated also =] But we got ready and went to my grandparents' house. After dinner, we went to my other grandparents' house. And then after that we went to Caleb's grandparents' house. It was a late night to say the least. We got back and went to bed, and got maybe two hours of sleep before we got up for the black Friday sales.

Saginaw was filled with all the hustle and bustle you'd expect it to have, but without the fights and other things commonly associated with black Friday sales. We got our treasures, spent wayyy too much time shopping, and then decided to grab some breakfast. A new Ihop opened last month, so we went to that (even thought it was packed!), and then headed home. It was good to be able to spend some time with family that I don't see often, and good to relax. We haven't done much of either lately. Around 4pm we started our trip home, and with two extra stops we got home later than usual. After we got everything put away we crashed. I was asleep less than a minute after my head hit the pillow.

Today we had planned to get up early to start our work day on the house. Caleb wanted to be at Lowe's by 7am, but at 8:30, and half asleep, I heard him telling me to look at the clock. 7am wasn't a reality, but it did feel really good to get some sleep. I was worried he wouldn't get any sleep this weekend, so that solid nine hours eased my mind quite a bit. So he got up and got to the house in a hurry and the day started from there. My sister-in-law and I put in insulation while everyone else did their thing. The guys downstairs ended up finding two basketball size bee hives IN the walls of our house. They were neat to look at, but I'm glad no one was living in the house when the hives were active. Those bees would've been nasty to fight with. We had to leave the house early to get ready for the shelter tonight. We don't have many visitors, and there are more of us staying as volunteers than as visitors, but it was an ok night. As this day winds to an end (err, yesterday, I guess), I'm definitely ready to get some sleep.

Tomorrow will be filled with stuff also. We have church, and then I'm sitting at the table to sell tickets for our 33 Miles concert next month. After that I think Caleb is going to work at the house and I'm not sure what I'm doing. We have a leaders meeting and then we're taking the youth group bowling.

Crazy busy. One day, weekends like this will really catch up with us. One day =] As of now, I think we're going strong. We'll see how long that lasts. Anyway, I hope your Thanksgiving was as great as mine was. Have a good Sunday and rest of the week!

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