I was laying in bed getting ready to end my day. I was warm and cozy in my blankets, cat sleeping next to me, and just peachy. I started to pray, and these were the words that came; "Dear God, I know we haven't spoke in a while.." and I stopped. I then continued the sentence in my own thoughts "...but I keep coming back, because You have been faithful time and time again.." Those two thoughts seem a bit ironic to go together... but the point is; when I'm at a loss, I go to God, because thats the only thing I know for sure I can do. And I also know that He will be faithful. I love being able to know that.. and to have that relationship with the God of the universe.
On a different note, the part of "..we haven't spoke in a while.." followed by "..You have been faithful.." strikes me as both comforting and not. Its awesome to know God will be faithful, .....even when I'm not, but sad to know that I am sometimes not faithful to Him. Its like the story of the prodigal son; he goes off and does his own thing; lives wildly, wastes his money, gets himself into stuff he shouldn't, but when he comes home, his father is overjoyed. Thats how it is with God and us. We go do our own thing and when all else fails, we turn to God, and He takes us back. As faithfully as anyone ever has. I'm so very thankful for that..
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