Well friends.. it has been a while; over a year. I've been thinking about posting often lately, and then my husband recently told me he checks this often to see if I've posted because he misses reading it, so I decided it was finally time. The page got refresher too. So I guess we'll see where it goes from here.
I don't even know where to start anymore. My brain hasn't been in writing mode as much as "get-through-the-day" mode. It turns out that when people told me chasing a toddler was exhausting, they were right. He's currently leaning on the back of the computer screen closing it from the weight of his head leaning on it.. and leaning on me and pushing me sideways in an attempt to get comfortable. Goof. Never a dull moment! All joking aside, he's a great kid. He's sweet, kind, fun and goofy. He loves all things related to trains (we're currently watching Thomas and Friends..) and tools, and is his daddy's mini-me. And he's very excited to be getting promoted to big brother in October!
So let's see... in the last year our little man has been growing like a weed, we've kept busy with all kinds of stuff, gotten involved in our new church, found out we're expecting again, and I've gotten much more involved with MOPS in a different leadership role. It has been a good year. Don't get me wrong, it had its challenges, but that's one of the major reasons it was such a good year. In those challenges, we grew as a family and in our relationship with the Lord in ways we never imagined we would or could. God is so good! Looking back at those hard things we went through has been really cool for us now, and just another testament to how God is working in situations and ways that we have no idea about, even when it seems impossible.
I'm going to call that good for now.. apparently I actually have to think through things before I write now, as I'm drawing a blank on what else the past year has entailed. Must be mom-brain. Dinner is also waiting to be cooked.. and my hungry toddler and husband and little one in me need to eat.. so here I go!