I got a message yesterday saying that right before his surgery, Carson squeezed a nurses hand and opened his eyes for a few seconds. He also tried to say hi but he can't speak very well right now, and I'm guessing is in a lot of pain. His surgery was to put a trac in, a g tube to be able to eat, and the tube that was in his mouth is now in his throat. It went well, and he is on the slow road to recovery now. Thanks for praying, please keep it up!
Hey all. I wish I had a lighthearted Tuesday post like usual, but I actually have a very important and pressing request to bring you: Please pray for my cousin Carson. He was in a very serious car accident last Tuesday night. He and a friend were crossing the highway via a backroad when they were broadsided on Carsons side. The suburban they were in had to be pulled apart by the jaws of life in order to get Carson out, and he was airlifted immediately to the pediatric unit at Hurley Medical Center. We went to see him Friday and Saturday, and it didn't look good. He was put in a medically induced acoma and is breathing with the help of a respirator, because he has some fluid in his lungs. He has almost thirty tubes connecting his body to various machines, and the doctors say he will be there for months. He had a cat scan on Sunday, but we don't know the results yet. Luckily, his skull wasn't fractured, but his brain will most likely be damaged, has bled, and is terribly swollen. At one point they were contemplating surgery to remove part of his skull to release some of the pressure on his brain. This was postponed, but that pressure is like a rollercoaster; it will go from as low as 3 (which is very good) to as high as 30 (which is bad) in seconds. That is scary, especially for his parents. Doctors are giving updates based on how he is doing that minute, and aren't sure about much else right now. Given him being stable, they were going to try to start weaning him off the sedatives today, but I haven't heard if they are moving forward with that yet. He is only fifteen, so that and the fact that he is a very active and fit young guy are two things that are very much to his benefit. He is also a fighter who doesn't give up, so we're thankful for that.
Please please pray for healing amd recovery, wisdom for the doctors, and strength for the family. I'll update as I know more. Thank you!
If you've read my posts from last week, you already know that it was a pretty rough one. In the midst of everything going on, frustrations, exhaustions, etc., I searched and searched for some relief and some encouragement. As I fought off sleep to scour the pages of my Bible, I often turned to my favorite passage, Psalm 139, and found something new each time =] (Isn't it neat how that happens?). If it wasn't finding something in my Bible, it would be a song on the radio, but I can tell you one thing: if you search, God will provide. One of the strange things, though, is that the encouragement I found was in times of praising my Jesus. Not that it should be strange, but I think sometimes we forget that loving Him gives us strength also.
Here are a few of the little encouragements that found me last week;
Psalm 127:1 - Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that built it.
----God must be the roots of a home/family
"By and by, when the morning comes, when the saints of God are gathered home, we will tell the story, how we've overcome; we will understand it better by and by"
I Samuel 16:7 - ...For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
----God sees us for who we really are
Psalm 139:7-12 (summarized) - "It is impossible to do anything where God is not a spectator" (Quoted from MacArthur Study Bible)
"Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing; power and majesty, praise to the King. Mountains bow down, and the seas will roar, at the sound of Your name. I sing for joy at the work of Your hands; forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in You"
Psalm 138:1 - I will praise You with my whole heart, before the gods I will sing praises to You.
I just have to make a post about my wonderful husband, and how he made my day yet again!
This past week has been miserable. Monday through today (Friday) I have closed at work every night, and every night we've been super busy. I was being trained to close, but its hard to be trained when you can't do everything because theres so many people that someone else has to do half of your stuff. So, all week I was complaining about that, plus, its has been really hot and I don't like the heat. Sooo, again, I was complaining about that. We'd get home and my first words were "oh my gosh.. its so hot in here!". Usually we just have two fans going and we're ok, but the past few days that have been really hot were hard on me, because I don't do well in the heat, especially sleeping in it. Well.. my wonderful husband showed up at my work tonight just as we were closing and waited in the parking lot for me. When I came out he told me he had a surprise for me, but it was at home. We drove home, and I glanced all around, but didn't see anything. He looked at me and grinned and asked if I was curious where he'd hid my surprise yet. Of course I was, and there was only one room where I hadn't looked.. our bedroom. So, when he opened our door, what do I see?! A window air conditioner!! I was so excited! It is now 67 degrees in our room, and I will be able to sleep without any fans blowing on my face and making my hair tickle my neck, or being too hot to sleep! =] I'm pretty excited, if you couldn't tell.
I had wanted a mini air conditioner, or something at least, to take a little bit of the heat out of the house. It didn't have to be cold, just comfortable, but I didn't push for anything, because I know its hard to find a decent priced air conditioner (and by decent priced I mean a Caleb & Shawna price.. cheap!). Well, Caleb found one, put it in, and had it all set for when I got home! Such a thoughtful man, my hubby is! =]
I have a little story that might bring something into perspective for you today.
After I posted yesterday, my day got a lot harder. I was at one job from 8am-5pm, then went straight to the next until a little after 10pm. I knew it would be tough and I would be tired, but I didn't think much of it at first. My attitude about it started to change though at about noon. I had put this cream on my face the night before, and my face was red, puffy, and itchy when I woke up. So I washed it with a washcloth (or so I thought) and got ready for work just like I do every day. Well about noon it started to drive me crazy. I could feel it getting more puffy, it was itching like crazy, and I was starting to get frustrated. Turns out I had just rubbed it in instead of washing it off. I keep Benadryl cream in my purse and considered using it, but wasn't sure if I could use it on my face, so, Mom to the rescue. I called, and she said not to, and that she was in town and would grab me some Benadryl tablets. My lunch was coming up, so I clocked out and headed into town to meet her. She had asked the pharmacist, and learned that the Benadryl cream is topical so I shouldn't use it on my face, so I got the tablets from her and went back to work. The medicine didn't kick in real fast, and when it did, I was still super itchy. Sooo at 5pm I clocked out again and headed for job #2.
I was frustrated with being puffy and itchy, and tired, and I was starting to get cranky. I just wanted to go to bed at that point. But I went to work without complaining (how I did that, I'm not sure, but I was pretty impressed if I may say so) and kept going. Customers were coming in in intervals that let me get absolutely nothing done, but with enough time in between to be able to walk out from behind the counter and get just past the door when someone would pull in and I'd have to go back behind the counter. That in itself was frustrating. Then the lady who was with me for the night was back in the coolers so if I had a question I had to figure it out. So, needless to say I didn't get to start cleaning until later, and I was beyond frustrated by then. Meanwhile, the whole shift I kept wondering why I had said I could come in, and then I'd remember because they'd needed me that night. Then, I'd start wondering why I was there, or what I was supposed to be doing, why I was so cranky, why I didn't feel good, etc. I just complained in my head. I got a few funny looks from some of the regulars who know I'm usually all smiles and bubbly, but I brushed them off thinking, 'yeah.. its not my day.. I just hope they don't ask'. Luckily none of them did, but that didn't help my attitude any. As my mom calls it, I was in 'poor woe is me' mode. Overall, it was just an off night for me.
So I got home in a mood, and was pleasantly surprised to find a rose hooked to the door handle, more in a vase on the table, and pineapple ham in the crock pot. Caleb knows me well =] I was soooo happy and felt relieved, and when he arrived a few minutes later he was showered with hugs and kisses for making my day. Well, I did get some sleep, but I didn't want to wake up and get going this morning, buuut I did. On my way to work I had SmileFM turned up on the radio as I took the back roads that were sun-shiney and cheerful. I figured that would put me in a good mood, and counteract knowing I had another day ahead of me almost the same as yesterday. I was singing along to the radio when one of my favorite new songs came on and I just sat there as it hit me. My questions from last night "Why was I there..? What was I supposed to be doing..?" etc. were suddenly answered with this song:
Well, my coffee is starting to kick in, and I'm getting jittery =] Aaand its only half gone.. haha. I guess thats what happens when you mix both coffee and cappuccino, and have drank most of it by 9am.
I figure its time to give you an update on life and not just the things I do or friend stuff. Soo, after getting married June 4th, and a honeymoon, and all the other events in June, we have both been working a ton. Thank goodness that at one job I just sit and occupy myself, because that gives me some downtime, and some time to post in here. Anyway, even though we've been married for over a month, we haven't been able to do much in the realm of getting all my info switched around. Nor have we been able to switch around insurance, vehicle stuff, etc. And to top it all off, the house we made an offer on (that we are still waiting to hear about) in January got turned over to a different agency, so it might be a dud. I had also planned on going back to school, but we would need financial aid, and can't do all that until my information gets switched around. However, the busines hours of the agencies I would need to visit in order to complete those tasks are only open during a small time frame, in the middle of the shifts when I am always working. Needless to say, it has been quite interesting trying to figure out how we're going to figure all this out (no pun intended..). But through it all both of us have been strangely calm and taken everything in stride. I think that is probably because we can't do much about it, but we're not stressing about it either, because we both know that stressing won't get anything done. So I guess for now we're just focusing on what we can do, work, and the various things we're involved in.
Life as newlyweds has had its adjustments also. Not bad ones, but just adjustments. I can tell you though, that waking up next to someone who opens their eyes and mutters '"mooorning babe" with a sleepy smile, is the best. As Caleb has been getting used to finding long strands of my hair everywhere throughout the house (hey, I can't help that I shed..), I have been getting used to sharing the bathroom in the morning so both of us have enough time to get ready and out the door on time. I was already used to work boots and dirt-caked jeans, so those don't phase me much, and Caleb was already used to some of the funny idiosyncrocies of mine that have only one explanation of "..just because!.." =] The house we're living in is right in town, so thats super convenient. I'm not used to living in town though, and that has been a major adjustment for me. But the price is right, so I definitely can't complain. And, I will admit, that it is awfully nice to be able to walk the coffee shop or do some downtown shopping, or even walk to the beach, and it only take about fifteen minutes. I have also used a significantly less amount of gas in the past month!
The past few months have also been difficult at times, with us facing issues of gossip, questionable attitudes, some bitterness, and a lack of motivation for certain things. However, we've been mulling over it lately, and when we talked about it on Sunday, we decided to do whatever is necessary to change those things. I'm excited to see the changes that are a result of this decision, and can already see some progress.
Last weekend was a blur, as we ventured back into my hometown again. We had planned to leave as early as possible Friday morning, but didn't end up leaving until almost 4pm. That legitimately frustrated me, but we decided to make the best of it and just got going. After meeting some friends half way for dinner, we made our way into Saginaw to do some quick shopping, and then headed for Caro. We stopped at Wal-Mart (go figure..), got settled into the house, and were in bed by midnight. The next morning we got up and got ready, and went to the open house/reception my church threw for us. After that, we went out to the Brentwood (my familys' favorite restaurant in town), visited with my grandparents, and made a stop at DQ before heading back and getting settled for the night. The next morning we went to church, and man, was it ever good to be back in my home church for a Sunday! I was so glad to be there, but there were so many mixed emotions. It was great to visit, but I miss it so much that it brought tears to my eyes knowing that it was only for a few hours. Well, we visited after the service, and even found out that a lady whom I had known since I was eight was my mother-in-law's roommate in college! We also got to see a friend I had went to youth group with and her husband. They married a few years ago and have been living in DC ever since. God recently laid it on their hearts that they were too comfortable, and after much prayer, they are relocating for a year to an island of Micronesia! How cool is that!? He will be teaching, and she doesn't know yet what she will be doing, but I know they will be fantastic at just pouring love into the people they will be ministering to! I always think its awesome when people decide to let God do what He wants with them while being excited to see how He uses them, and that is how this couple is. Please pray for them on their journey.. they leave in two days (Thursday, July 14)!
After visiting at church, we grabbed some lunch and changed, and met my parents and sister at the house I grew up in. It is literally falling apart; the ceiling is falling in, it is infested with mold, leaks in almost every place imaginable, and you can see outside. My dad and husband knew I wanted my bedframe, so they both tackled the job of getting it out of my old bedroom. Its this big, old, wooden bedframe with drawers on the bottom, and I have always just absolutely loved it. Its also very heavy and awkward to do anything with. But, bless their hearts, they knew I wanted it for my house, so they set to work and pulled it out of the house with a lot of man-muscle and brute force. I was so happy! It was also bittersweet seeing the house in the shape it is in. That was home for me for eighteen years, and many more than that for my mom, as she also grew up in that house. Seeing it fall apart while we're watching is heartwrenching, so many memories were made in that house. It was very hard to leave, knowing that there may not be much of a house left the next time we come back. It also made me think and wonder if my children will ever share a similar experience, and what kind of memories they will have <3
I guess thats all I have to share for now, maybe I'll post again later this afternoon. For now, here's a song thats been on my heart for a while. I just can't pinpoint an explanation, but I love the song and hope you will too. Its not the official video from Hillsong United, its one with lyrics*
Well here it is!! We finally met with the children's director and someone else to get more of a direction as to what we'll be doing with this opportunity. I can actually share details now =] Soooooo the ministry opportunity is working with the "Tween" group. These are a group of 4th and 5th grade students at our home church that meet once a month for various activities. We worked with many of them last year, and they are a fantastic group! They are wonderful kids who enjoy hanging out, learning, and having a good time. Last year we helped with various things like chaperoning a retreat, being there for events, and were even given the liberty of planning an event (which went great, and was a blast for the kids and a blessing for us!).
This year sounds like it will be much different though, as we are being asked to step it up and do a lot more. One of the people we talked to made it sound like we'll be more in charge of the ministry, and the other made it sound like we'll just be super involved, so we're not sure on that aspect yet, but we definitely plan to step it up a lot. We do know that we will be planning more activities have more of a say in everything. As of now, the group will still be meeting once a month to do something, but hopefully there will be more consistency than there was last year. Last year was kind of a trial run to smooth some of the bumps out, and now that we have an idea of what its like to work with the students, parents, and staff, we can better plan events to meet the needs of the children, their families, and the staff helping. Along with the monthly events, we were also asked to teach the tween Sunday School. It wouldn't be every Sunday, but we're not sure how much yet. I think that depends on us. That kind of freaks me out. I'm not much of a teacher, I just work with the kids. But, I guess if God wants me (and Caleb) teaching He'll make it happen, and He will give me the words He wants me to say. I'm ok with that =] Another thing brought up was the idea of giving each student an age appropriate Bible while they're in the program, and then a different one when they graduate fifth grade. We will be looking into this and looking at Bibles the next time we make it to a town where there are stores like Hages and Family Christian Stores.
Here are a few quick prayer requests for this group in the upcoming year:
- A good turn out of students, and that these students will bring friends
- The leaders/staff, that we will work together well and remember why we are involved in this ministry
- Planning events that will be good for the students and applicable to their lives and walk with Christ
To give you more of an idea what we do, here are some of the events we did last year:
- Scavenger hunt and relays around the church. Students had to find things and complete a task (one station was singing "I'm a little teapot" with motions.. lol) before they were given their next clue and could move on.
- Retreat at camp. We drove about 25 students to camp this year for a retreat and they loved it! Because of their age group, it was only an over nighter, but they had a blast. These two days were a mix of chapel services, fun games, and fellowship. An all-you-can-drink hot cocoa machine was their favorite, but as leaders we got to sit down with some of them and talk about things that are going on in their lives and how God works in them. This was so encouraging to see the students grow!
- A lock-in at our church. At this we started out with a game of capture the flag (and found out these students are relentless!) and a game that Caleb had made with two by fours and rope..? Students had to stand on the wood and work as a team to move them with the ropes - that was cool to watch! We sat them down and did a devotional, and played some sardines, and kickball, and had s'mores. It was fun, and it was cool to watch as the students had some bonding time and fellowship.
Other than these activities.. there really isn't much for this age group to do, so this ministry is crucial for them. Please pray for this upcoming year as we start planning activities, and looking at the curriculum. Pray for wisdom, student attendance, and relationships as we get the privilege to disciple these young hearts. Thanks!
Hey all! I got these updates a few days ago, so sorry I didn't get them up right away, I was suuper busy. Anyway, I haven't gotten an update from Lamoka, just Lake Ann. I am happy to relay the message that God is doing some amazing things this year at camp not only in campers' lives, but also the lives of the staff!
Here are the requests:
For controlled emotions. Pray that they will think logically rather than emotionally
For "the tag-team" to continue to let God be in control
For the staff as they grow spiritually and remember why they are at camp
For wisdom in decisions, and wisdom in deciding consequences for wrong decisions
Thanks everyone!
Ps. Here is a song that is a Lake Ann favorite. My youth pastor sent me the link.. and its Elvis! I don't know who originally produced this song, but I thought I'd share this version, because its after, a Lake Ann favorite, and Elvis is just cool. Enjoy =]
I'm sitting here wondering what I was going to post this wonderful Wednesday morning while surfing the web, and I somehow had a thought that led me to think about the five love languages. So, I asked Google and they gave me a lot of links, but the one I chose just happened to be one that had a little questionaire to go along with it also, assessing what your love language is. I'll post that one here too, but first I'll explain the concept of the love languages.
There are five love languages, and you may have heard them mentioned before: physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, receiving gifts, and acts of service. You may not understand what these mean, so I'll explain that too, but these categories are the ways people express and receive love. If you show your love to your special someone in a way they don't understand (or vice versa), they may not even realize you've expressed your love at all. Situations like those can be hard for both people and can lead to feelings of rejection and neglect, so knowing your and your spouse's love language can be crucial. Here they are explained (I did the questionaire multiple times purposely to get all the different results, so these explanations are almost exactly the same as what you will get when/if you take the questionaire yourself):
Quality time: nothing says "I love you" like full undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there with the TV off and everything else aside makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, post-poned dates, or not listening can be especially hurtful to this type of personl.
Acts of service: Contrary to some people's beliefs, vacuuming can be an act of love! This type of person appreciates anything you do to ease their burden of responsibilities. The words "let me do that for you" can speak volumes, however broken commitments, laziness, and making more work for them can tell this type of people that their feelings don't matter.
Receiving gifts: this type of person has nothing to do with materialism, but thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If this is someones love language, the perfect gift or gesture shows they are known, cared for, and prized above whatever is sacrificed to bring the gift to them. A missed birthday, anniversary, or thoughtless quick gift would be disastrous, as would the absense of every day gestures.
Words of affirmation: genuine comments mean the world to people with this love language. Hearing "I love you" is important, and hearing the reasoning behind those words can send their spirits skyward. Insults, however, can leave them shattered, and aren't easily forgotten.
Physical touch: despite what some may think, this love language focuses on things other than the bedroom. This type of person is very touchy; hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, face, or shoulders can be ways to show excitement, care, concern, and love. Physical prescense and accessibility are crucial while neglect or abuse can be unforgiveable and destructive.
I encourage you to take the questionaire, and your significant other to do so also. It could ulitmately help you better understand yourself/each other, and could lead to a more fulfilling relationship if applied to your life/lives. So, without any more delay, here's the link. Have a good day!
Yes, I really did put six sugars in my coffee this morning, along with two half & halfs =] Its just one of those mornings.. I'd never guess this is a Tuesday. Wow am I ever tired.. =S Last week and the weekend really took a toll on me.
Up until a few weeks ago, I only worked about twelve hours a week and got to sit at a nice desk in a nice comfy chair and not do very much, but since I got my second job that has changed a lot. I now work between forty and fifty hours a week, and at my second job I'm on my feet literally the whole time. Its neat though. For those of you who are familiar with my hometown, the new place is a lot like Thumb Meat Mkt., except that it also has a hot lunch counter with stuff like chicken strips, burritos, and potatoe wedges. Its very fast paced, and it was especially fast paced and busy Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.. all of which I worked. I don't think I left the cash register for more than five minutes any of those days because we were so busy, but I did memorize prices on a LOT of things.. haha. Along with working all those days, we also threw in a trip to an arts & crafts show, a car accident, and (obviously) the 4th of July holiday. Busy busy!
The arts & crafts show was pretty cool. Its an annual thing here in town planned for the 4th of July weekend every year. There were a lot of new vendors and some really cool things this year. I really like all the hand made glass beads, photography booths, nick nacks, wooden made things, and creations people come up with. Luckily, it was only three blocks away from the house we're living in, so we walked instead of driving, which I prefer anyway because of the vast amount of people that were in town. So, that was Saturday. We had planned to go on an annual kayaking trip down the PM River with my family, but I had to work, so that was a bummer, but hopefully we'll be able to go next year. Kayaking that river every 4th of July weekend with my family is always something I have looked forward to, and we have been doing for as long as I can remember.. soo we were really bummed. But like I said, hopefully we'll be able to go next year. After the art fair, we went home and ate beef stew that had been in the crock pot all day and was much anticipated. Yum! =] And after that, we took a drive out to see my family at my parents house. My dad had a bonfire going, and we sat around talking, with stories from the river that day intertwining in the conversation.
We got home late Saturday night, so Sunday morning felt like it came early, but I was excited to finally be able to make my first Sunday Service in a month! It was so good to see everyone again, and to be able to fellowship with the body of believers I adore. Sunday also brought a nice surprise for us as well. The senior pastor is retiring, so they had hosted a garage sale the day before, and had a bedroom set that hadn't been sold. We heard about it, went and talked to them, and voala - its ours! And at a great price too! Its a queen size bed with a dresser that has a mirror on it. We are very excited about this, because we didn't have a bedframe yet, but after just a few minutes of conversation God provided one for us at a price we could afford =] How cool is that!?
After church on Sunday we took off for the state park to meet my family to celebrate my cousins birthday. Can I just pause a minute to tell you how much I love tourists... just love 'em! Sometimes it seems like once they leave home, they leave their common sense as well... because they do some dangerous stuff! Another thing that bothers me is that they don't always pay attention, which is crazy, because town is busy in the summer, and you really HAVE to pay attention in order to stay safe. Anyway, we were almost to the gates at the state park - like, they were literally a few hundred yards in front of us - when the line of cars in front of us stopped moving. So like always, we stopped too. We were stopped for about thirty seconds when all of a sudden I was flung forward flailing and I could hear the sound of metal crunching. Once our vehicle stopped moving and I figured out what happened Caleb and I exchanged a shocked look and jumped out of the truck to look behind us. Behind us a girl in her mid-twenties was jumping out of her Suburban to do the same. To my surprise the first things said were: "Are you guys ok?!" "Yes, are you guys ok?!" Luckily the only hurts were a banged up knee, and a few sore necks, backs, and heads. The vehicles... yeahhh... those had a bit more damage than us people did. All I can say is thank goodness for Calebs huge Reese hitch, because it gave us a huge advantage. However, it did not give the girl any advantage as it had tore her radiator and front end apart. Pieces of her vehicles were strung out on the highway, and something was leaking from her engine area. And to top her day off, it was her boyfriends vehicle and she lives 250 miles away. My guess is that it wasn't safe to drive back home for them. Our truck's damage: bent bumper, white dent in the tailgate, cracked weldings on the hitch. Basically besides a little cosmetic damage, Caleb won't be able to pull his trailer until he gets the hitch fixed. So, an officer came, the long line of traffic was directed around us, and a report was made. She was put at fault (but given no ticket), life went on, and we found out this morning that (thankfully) because it was her fault we don't have to pay the $500 deductible. The thing that surprised me most about the whole situation was that there were no cross words, no cussing, yelling, etc. Its amazing how calm tempers don't make bad situations worse, and I'm thankful for that.
So, after a long week and weekend, we're alive and well, but exhausted as we head into this next week. If you could, please pray for energy and strength as it will be another long week and weekend. The truck will be in the shop tonight until probably Friday, and we will be traveling to Caro as soon as we get the truck back, as the church I grew up at is throwing us a wedding reception! =]
Last, but not least, I do have an update about the ministry opportunity! Apparently I misheard my husband when he told me about his conversation with the guy who asked him if we'd be interested. I was under the impression that 'the program' (we'll call it that, because I can't say much) may or may not happen, and Caleb confirmed that is is going to happen for sure. The part that isn't for sure yet is when it will start, if we will be the people involved (I'll go out on a limb and say that we most likely will), and some of the other details that will fine tune it. So, as we wait to hear more, I'll just say that our desire for this opportunity keeps keeps growing as we continue to pursue it, and we can't wait to find out more details!
Anyway.. thats about it for now. I hope you have a great day!